Online Professional Talk: A Comparative Analysis of Multi-App Developers in Mobile App Store

Chee-Wee Tan is a Professor at the Department of Digitalization in Copenhagen BusinessSchool (CBS), an Honorary Professor of Business Analytics and Digitalization at the Nottingham University BusinessS&lool China in the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), a Distinguished Research Smolar at the· Farulty of Business in Lingnan Uni-ersitv (LU).

Given the exponential growth in new product launches and updates on open innovation platforms today, developers have to carefully formulate their product proliferation strategies for enhancing the visibility of and accessibility to their product in order to differentiate from rivals. Yet, there is a dearth of research that examines how such strategies play out for information products and their impact on developers.

To this end, we synthesize extant literature on ulfom1ation goods and product proliferation strategy to advance a theory of evolutionary information product proliferation strategy that delineates developer strategies into product development, product launch, and version upgrade to assess the competitive dynamics between developers and their rivals in innovation ecosystems. Distinguishing among competitive ratings and downloads as definitive outcomes of product proliferation, we discover that developers’ enactn1ent of product proliferation strategies relative to their rivals have an impact on the former’ s competitive ratings and downloads.

Online Professional Talk on eCommerce Strategy & Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Mr Ivan So, a digital consultant of HDcourse and founder and director of Zizsoft Limited was invited to deliver an online professional talk to our students on 15 April.

With extensive experience in the e-business, particularly in SEO and WordPress, Ivan runs 2 e-shops and has built over 50+ sites to test SEO.  He devotes himself to building over 350+ WordPress & WooCommerce sites.  His books are well-received by readers which hit the Amazon e-book best-seller list for 5 times.

Our students gained practical experience via the talk and were grateful to have the opportunity to learn from Ivan.

Detailed profile of speaker can be found here: